The Miami Lakes Fire Rescue Station 64 is a 13,500 square foot,2-story, 3-apparatus bay facility, designed and was constructed to comply with “Sustainable Building Program of Dade County and USGBC for LEED Silver Certification. The design program included an entry feature clearly defined to the public approaching the facility. The design also included offices, kitchen, dining area, day room, living room, study rooms, and lounging area, 14 dormitories along with adequate toilet and shower area. Other amenities include an exercise room, work areas for maintenance and modification of tools and general housekeeping of the apparatus bay, a bunker.
Service/Construction 2009- 2015
Location Miami Lakes, FL
Total Size 13,500 SF
Construction Budget $4.2M

“Alleguez Architecture is deeply committed to creating spaces that support the wellbeing and effectiveness of the fire fighters who use them.”
Alberto Perdigon, MDFR Construction Manager III